Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness has been placed (on the Disney+ Chronological Timeline) between Eternals and Hawkeye...

Surely this doesn't line up with the events of No Way Home? In Hawkeye Episode 5 (I believe) Yelena mentioned that she wanted to see the "new and improved Statue of Liberty". This "improvement" was removed during the fight of NWH. NWH ends at Christmas in NY, and the events of Hawkeye also happened to occur at the same time. Hawkeye cannot be the following year, as Yelena's line would be odd by then. Unless of course they are stupid enough to add the shield on again...

The events of Doctor Strange 2 are after No Way Home - given the whole Multiverse aspect. So how does the timeline work?

submitted by /u/TheDaleksofDownton
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