How do you think Ned and MJ (and maybe others?) will relearn Peter’s identity?

NWH’s ending implied that Peter at the very least thought straight-up telling them again who he was would restore their memories. Complicating the process of them relearning his identity would be pointless IMO, so let’s leave it at the person needing to know who Peter Parker is and that he’s Spider-Man.

Now, how do you think this will actually go down? Peter already once decided not to tell them himself, so I think him going back on that would present him as a selfish puppeteer IMO. They’ve already got to address that Peter will have lied to them and changed their lives beyond their control.

MJ’s vow was pretty conclusive narrative evidence that she’d figure things out herself, but with her now at MIT, the writers are tasking themselves not to make Peter’s world too small by having her conveniently reappear in his life so soon (and setting the whole of the next trilogy during the holidays wouldn’t work because we’d then never get Peter at ESU or wherever else he goes for uni) – we already know that Sony wants Zendaya back for the next movie (alongside Watts and presumably Batalon as well). But beyond that, how do we go about reaching the climax that NWH set up?

I don’t expect them to do three trilogies, but in the event that it does happen, I’d play it as a slow burn. Have them largely absent from Peter’s life in Spider-Man 4, at best establishing that they remember their experiences with him as Spider-Man. In 5, Peter gets to know them all over again, but as Spider-Man – MJ could even develop a crush on him like Dunst’s version did. And then in 6, the cat gets out of the box. You could condense the latter two into 5 in the likelier scenario that Holland is done after 6, and in any case the following movie would explore Peter’s betrayal of their trust, at least from their perspective.


submitted by /u/Tornado31619
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