Theory about the psych hospital...

TL;DR, the psych ward is a memory/construct of the third alter.

We know that Steven was created by Marc to dissociate from the trauma of his abusive mother and loss of his brother. We also know that Marc got kicked out of the military for "going AWOL in a fugue state". We also know this third alter to be particularly violent- he was the one that killed those people in Egypt.

It seems likely that his third alter arose during his time in the military and got them kicked out after doing who knows what. He may also have been institutionalized during this time as the third alter. Taweret said people often use familiar places for their after life, but neither Marc nor Steven seems to recall ever being in a psych ward. If the third alter was in control the entire time, neither of them would remember it. That also kind of explains why the last episode seems to bounce back and forth between Marc/Steven retrieving memories and someone talking to Dr. Harrow. This may be a recreation of the third's time in a psych ward, being taught organizing principles by a doctor he didn't like (hence being played by Harrow).

I also wouldn't be surprised if the third alter had some hand in the death of Layla's father. That would fit into a pattern of Marc dissociating from family with Steven, and violence with the third.


And as someone pointed out elsewhere, the person talking to Harrow this past episode seems to speak in a different accent from Marc and Steven. This person also grabbed the pyramid on the desk to use as a weapon- a very violent response.

submitted by /u/shogi_x
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