My stupid conspiracy theory for Harrow's powers [Moon Knight Episode 4 spoilers]

I kind of like to overanalyze things but here I will attempt to prove that Harrow's powers are actually coming from Anubis.


Ammit is sealed in stone. We know that gods sealed in stone cannot grant their followers powers, because we have a prime example: Khonshu. After he was sealed in stone, he disappeared and so did Marc's ability to use the moon knight suit.

Harrow summons jackals. Anubis is a jackal. Ammit is a crocodile. Point towards Anubis.

Anubis holds the scales. Ammit eats the heart if it is impure. Harrow is the holder of the scales, and talks at length about how he plans to use the scales to judge people and they show him everything. One of Anubis' titles is "weigher of hearts". That sounds more like Harrow than anything Ammit related.

All of the egyptian gods are real and Anubis is not accounted for Presumably he is out there, able to provide Harrow his powers.

Weakest point but Anubis is the most famous of all the Egyptian gods and hasn't made an appearance in Marvel yet Speaks for itself.

Motivation for doing what he does

Anubis was replaced by Osiris as lord of the underworld. YES! THAT Osiris! The Osiris that talked directly to Harrow. He wants to get revenge, but he can't because he doesn't have enough power to overthrow the entire ennead. So he's seeking allies. Which allies? The first he would go to would of course be Ammit!

Harrow pretends to follow Ammit so he can avoid drawing attention to Anubis. Anubis is likely laying low until he gets his ally back.

Thoughts? Do you think I'm right or am I just cuckoo?

Points against me: Harrow's cane has crocodile heads on it and he claims he follows Ammit. I have zero clue why Harrow wears broken glass in his shoes.

submitted by /u/Ineedafraid
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