Moon Knight Theory: Harrow is most certainly ********.

Be cautious, friends. There are more spoilers here than Fast and Furious Tokyo Drift.

TLDR: Harrow is not the voice of Ammit but the deposed god of the underworld Anubis.

A couple of weeks ago, I had written a post that insinuated that Harrow was the Egyptian god Anubis that had been kicked out of the underworld with Khonshu. Episode five provided more evidence to back this up.

That post is here - Moon knight Theory.

The weigher of hearts

So right off the bat, Anubis is seen in this episode! When Mark and Steven are on the boat in the underworld, Tawerat places their hearts on a set of scales. The scales are adorned with a statue of the jackal-headed god Anubis. So right off the bat, Anubis is seen in this episode! See, the Egyptian god Anubis was the protector of the scales and weigher of hearts.

And this ties in perfectly with Harrow; He is the weigher of souls in this series. He calls himself a follower of Ammit, but he may, in fact, be a deposed god trying to free Ammit so he can come back and take back his place in the underworld and punish those who banished him. And as the jackel faced god he is almost a perfect analogy of a wolf in sheeps clothing. His cult leader/psychiatrist persona merely a trick.

Another piece to this is Taweret. She seems new to the role of weigher of hearts. Almost as if she was suddenly thrust into the role when someone else was no longer allowed to do the job.

The final piece

The final piece is that Harrow is somehow in Mark and Steven’s afterlife. How? As far as we know, the interactions between harrow and Mark are not a memory. It’s happening in real-time. So can Anubis/ Harrow still access “death’s waiting room,” and why is harrow trying to manipulate them in this situation?

These are the questions I hope they answer next week, either way, thank you for reading.


submitted by /u/TheMediocreCritic
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