Moon Knight and Jewish erasure?

I wanna start this post by saying, I am Jewish, my Judaism is important to me, and I care about Jewish representation in media, but I’ve never really been of the opinion that Marvel Studios were participating in some sort of malicious Jewish erasure.

Sure, Scarlett Witch and Peter Parker have both either been Jewish in the past, or been coded as Jewish, or had Jewish identities, but if you really look at the stories they’ve been a part of in the MCU, there hasn’t really been a lot of room for faith. Honestly we don’t get to see much of anyones regular non-superhero religious lives, and for all we know these versions of the characters ARE Jewish, and it’s just never come up.

Or at least that’s been what I’ve told myself, because Moon Knight has really tested me. Moon Knight is such a meaningful character for me for so many reasons that I need not delve into here, but part of that, is that he is a cool, Jewish superhero, who’s faith isn’t played for some kind of laugh. It’s an integral part of his characterization and storyline.

I know the MCU adaptation of the character has taken plenty of liberties in how they depict MK, and different people feel differently about that, personally I don’t super hate the show. I thought the Indiana Jones stuff was fun enough, and it seems like now they’re pivoting into a different direction with the story as well.

I just wanted to come here and express my disappointment that so little exposure has been put on the Jewish elements of this importantly Jewish character.

I know the show runner/ director has been incredibly outspoken about Egyptian representation in superhero media, and MK has been a super cool signal boost for that that community and I’m happy for that, I’m just perplexed at the absence of any mention of Judaism.

If you have any cool Jewish moon knight comic recommendations let me know.

EDIT: some people have pointed it out in the comments and I think it’s worthy of note so I’ll add it here, Ms. Marvel is an upcoming Disney + show with a Muslim hero that HEAVILY focuses on religious identity. I know people have complex feelings about that character/ show, but that’s definitely proof enough that marvel doesn’t “hate religion” and isn’t trying to remove it from this fictional world. It can be done, so why not do it for Moon Knight?

submitted by /u/Nnknewyork
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