If Maria Rambeau Dies (Again)

Sincerely hoping the theories that Wanda k words the supposed Captain Marvel variant, Maria Rambeau, isn’t true. Not just because I honestly don’t see how Scarlett Witch could defeat a Captain Marvel variant completely (if you watched ‘What If…?’ you’d know it took a six infinity stone powered Ultron bot to defeat Carol Danvers, and even then he had to blow up a planet from its core while she was in it).

I think another issue would be is that it would just be a huge disservice to the relationship that was just established between Monica and Wanda towards the end of Wandavision.

Monica was Wanda‘s biggest ally, and they related to each other through their shared grief. Monica’s grief stemming from losing her mom.

It would be odd if Wanda then immediately went to another universe after Wandavision and was the source of grief for another Monica. You could argue how would Wanda even know who that was, but at the end of the day the audience would know. (Also I doubt Strange is just gonna let her rampage throughout the multi-verse and not tell all the other Avengers at some point )

Unless this scenario is meant to be intentional, I just hope it’s not just something that was overlooked.

This post could be for no reason if the person in the trailers isn’t Maria but that’s what everyone believe so I just wanted to know everyone’s thoughts on the matter.

submitted by /u/moonorince12
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