Would You Accept Edited Version of the Netflix Shows on Disney+ w/ Unedited Versions on Hulu?

Given that the Netflix shows (Daredevil, Punisher, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, Iron Fist, Defenders) will eventually land somewhere, we know that the content is a little rough for Disney+. You know, like the Kingpin slamming someone's head in a car door, The Punisher using someone's face to break the glass on the merry-go-round, or Luke Cage and Jessica Jones doing the nasty with reckless abandon. Stuff like that.

Would you approve if they released toned-down versions on Disney+ with the contingency that the full, unedited versions with all the gore and banging were on Hulu? This way a younger audience could get an understanding of these characters without all the table shaking.

submitted by /u/dtswinga
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