Guardians of the Galaxy BIG EASTER EGG: one thing changes everything

PART 1: an intro to chaos

I am going to present to you in 6 parts (part 2 and 3 already released) what I think is James Gunn BIG easter egg. The one he has teased us with since 2014. The one that he doesn’t want to be found. The one he will confirm when it’s right.

It’s obviously an elusive easter egg that is easily missed, unlikely to be stumbled upon, on itself meaningless, even if found. And even though some have been close, it was partially discovered, they haven’t actually found it unless they open their eye.

I am going to share with you a theory. I made use of many other fan contributions, and added a few key findings of my own to the mix. And while it is a capital mistake to theorise before one has all data… in this case it was the only way. Where many others have used an inductive approach, they never got the full picture or got close enough to actually find it. At the same time, their efforts did help me to collect all relevant pieces. To them: a big THANK YOU!

Keep in mind, that by discovering the true secrets of the easter egg, it will impact on how you perceive things… not only what is next, but also what was before. And while that moment will come anyway, and should have initially been behind us, you have to ask yourself: do you really want know? It will be a massive spoiler. You will see things differently. So while I have pulled back the curtain, it doesn’t mean you should.

I honestly long doubted… I wasn’t sure how exactly to share it, to do justice to it, and more importantly if it is the right thing to do. I don’t want to take away the illusion, because “people… need to believe”. Even now I am not sure this is the right thing to do… Yet, I am not the one who recently so explicitly reminded us we haven’t found the big one yet. It is almost like he wants us to find it (not really, so he sends us on a wild goose chase...) so who am I to decide for you?

Taking everything into consideration, I pondered the question “What if…” this universe wants to break free and it manifest chaos… In some guy, alone in his room not sharing it. Only this time he does share his view. And while that guy has a "limited understanding of the inner workings of the universe", I am honestly figuring it out along the way, you have to ask yourself, if one thing, just one thing, changed everything!

Marvel couldn’t wait to show us what’s ahead, though ironically they had to wait longer than planned, and not only because of the pandemic. With that they gave me the most precious thing in life: time.

submitted by /u/MrLattePapa
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