Captain Marvel was a remake of Short Term 12

Okay somewhat exaggerated. But Brie Larson plays a young woman with (it seems at first) a confident, centered attitude. But then circumstances change and she is rocked by doubts due to the reemergence of long-concealed wounds in her psyche. Turns out there was some trauma in her past, and she retreats into a quiet, child-like state. But she finds the strength to confront a symbolic version of her abuser, gets her power back and there is a cathartic scene where she smashes up a vehicle.

Seriously though I just saw Short Term 12 (it's incredibly good by the way) for the first time and was really struck by the kind of moods that Brie Larson projected and the way they echoed some of the ways she portrays Carol, particular when she begins to realise that she's from Earth.

submitted by /u/disgustinglamp
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