So let me start by saying I’m still a pretty die hard MCU fan, but even I can understand and empathise with one of the biggest complaints recently that the introduction of shows as part of the wider MCU can make things really difficult to follow when there’s crossover. I think the easiest way to remedy this is actually quite simple, have the shows exist in their own, separate tied together universe. Now sure, you can’t unring the bell, and shows like Loki, Wandavision and Ms Marvel have already knitted together those branches, but post-secret wars reboot, Feige and Co have a fantastic opportunity to address a big issue with the MCU moving forward and prevent its ultimate decline. You kind of had it with the Netflix shows. Punisher, Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage and Iron Fist existed (technically) in the MCU but had no wider interaction with it. This meant you didn’t need to have MCU familiarity to love these shows, and vice versa. The Star Wars shows, love them or hate them, ...